Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) Mekong Delta branch coordinated with Vietnam Green Innovation Joint Stock Company (GREEN IN) to organize a series of events, including:
Registration link: Workshop "Green transition: challenges, opportunities for Mekong Delta businesses and solutions to support businesses"
- Event 1 (Morning) : Workshop "Green transition: challenges, opportunities for businesses in the Mekong Delta and solutions to support businesses"
- Event 2 (Afternoon) : Round table discussion, for businesses with deep interest and need for support in greenhouse gas inventory
- Event 3 (All day): Displaying products, technology solutions, models to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and adapt to climate change
The program's goal is to update and provide information to businesses about the impact of policies to respond to climate change and reduce domestic and international greenhouse gas emissions on production and business activities, and analyze opportunities. , challenges and propose solutions towards green production for businesses, especially supporting businesses in greenhouse gas inventory and consulting on sustainable development strategies.