Welcome Dr. Lim, Amanda from ACH Worldwide Ltd, to the Technology Department, VAHC Club.

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Dr Lim, Amanda, Ph.D, MBA, MKIM, MHKCS


Dr. Lim, Amanda is a Director of ACH Worldwide, a Director of GreatMeta Ltd, a Mentor of HKSTP Mentorship Programme, a part-time Project Supervisor of The University of Manchester (MBS) Global MBA programme, the convenor of Metaverse Asia Expo, and a columnist of online & offline magazines. She got her Assistant Professor ranking from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.


Beforehand, she was a postdoctoral researcher of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, an Associate Editor of a Knowledge Management journal, a part-time lecturer of City University of Hong Kong (SCOPE) & Hong Kong Baptist University and a Guest Lecturer of some other Universities.


 As a director of ACH, she leads her consultancy team to help clients to drive digital transformation through AI, Blockchain, Cloud Computing , Big Data and sustainable solutions.


 Also, she facilitates clients to establish their competitiveness through defining uniqueness and to get success resources through fundraising. 


As a researcher, a lecturer and a columnist; she conducts research, delivers lectures and writes articles. Her recent consultancy and research projects are related to Metaverse, AI, fintech, blockchain, biotech, robotics, industrial 4.0, etc. She has published more than thirty articles or research reports related to the Digital Economy.


 She is the Vice President of the Association of Blockchain Development, the founding president of E-Business Association and a previous Court Member of the University of Hong Kong. 


In 2013, she received the first class award in the national postdoctoral finance conference at Tianjin owing to a published research article.


Beforehand, she worked for the ICT industry to take on various management roles in reputable technology companies (e.g. Sun Microsystems, PCCW & Xerox) for more than ten years. 


She got her Bachelor Degree of Social Sciences (Economics) from the University of Hong Kong, Master Degree of Business Administration (Finance) from the University of Manchester, PhD (Management) from Renmin University of China and Postdoctoral Certificate from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.


She got her Cryptocurrency course certificate from BerkerleyX, Fintech course certificate from HKUx and her Contract Law course Certificate from HarvardX.


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

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Phone number: 093 691 7386



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