On May 23, 2023, at VOH One Music Theater (Voice of Ho Chi Minh City) took place the program " Cultural exchange - art - connecting businesses Vietnam - Indonesia" organized by The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the Vietnam - Southeast Asia Friendship Association, the Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organizations co-organized.


The program has the participation of the Indonesian, Malaysian and Australian diplomatic corps; representatives of State agencies; entrepreneurs in Vietnam, Korea, Japan,...; friendship organizations and representatives of universities in Ho Chi Minh City. HCM.


In the first part of the program, Indonesian and Vietnamese companies and businesses shared and exchanged opportunities for Vietnamese and Indonesian businesses to participate in the ASEAN common economic market, especially in the normal period. often new to implement solutions for net - zero carbon economic goals.


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TLS Indonesia and guests exchange and exchange with businesses


Mr. Agustaviano Sofjan - Consul General of Indonesia in Ho Chi Minh City mentioned the vision of the ASEAN Community after 2025 to strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of ASEAN institutions, and repel human trafficking under the influence of technology abuse. , develop a green transport ecosystem in the region, promote regional payment connectivity and enhance transactions in local currencies; protect migrant workers in crisis situations and promote the rights of migrant fishermen. In addition, Mr. Sofjan also shared about the process of admitting Timor Leste as an official member. As for Vietnam, he affirmed, since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1955, Vietnam and Indonesia together have made great progress and reached new heights, especially in the economic aspect. economy after the difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic: " The relationship between Vietnam and Indonesia has contributed immensely to the common development of ASEAN. The two countries contribute to 60% of the region's population and 45% of ASEAN's economic GDP. During the ten years of strategic cooperation, Vietnam and Indonesia have strengthened the development of business-to-business cooperation mechanisms in the fields of food, technology, electronics and maritime, with an increasingly open mechanism and Sofjan summed up the relationship of Vietnam - Indonesia in ASEAN that we must maintain the spirit of solidarity, self-reliance and strategic autonomy for ASEAN to maintain its position, role and image. Our region will be a central force in the process of consolidating peace, maintaining stability and strategic economic cooperation in Southeast Asia and Asia more broadly. - Indian Ocean - Pacific Ocean.


Sharing in the Indonesia - Vietnam business seminar, Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Minh - Director of Pacific Group, Chairman of Hydrogen Club Vietnam - ASEAN said: "The club was established with the goal of connecting Vietnamese businesses Nam fulfills Vietnam's commitment to net zero emissions by 2050. We hear a lot about clean energy and net zero economics, clean energy is the trend. We are very fortunate to be a member of the Vietnam Southeast Asia Friendship Association, we organize the club to help businesses transition to zero-emission energy." The Vietnam - ASEAN Hydrogen Club will be a bridge to business and research organizations in Vietnam and the ASEAN region to share experiences, cooperate in technology research and organize seminars.


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A representative of Tam Community Group shared the project of a lifebuoy for fishermen (Source: VOH)


Mr. Le Nang Hung -The representative of the research team of Community Center presented the project of a multi-function lifebuoy for fishermen with many new features in an emergency situation made of high-quality water-resistant materials, in addition, the lifebuoy is also attached. Comes with signaling devices and floating balls that help fishermen stay afloat for hours. This project will be implemented in the form of socialization so that fishermen can easily access the products in the form of installments or insurance. The representative of Tam Community Group shared that Vietnam and Indonesia are countries with a large sea and fisheries are one of the key economic sectors, so the safety of fishermen in bad situations must be ensured. priority for this force to continue to contribute to the development of the maritime industry.


Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tung - Chairman of Apec BCI shared a number of initiatives on digital transformation, digital economy, cross-border e-commerce connection in ASEAN and its impacts on the consumer market in the region. CEO Arif Widjaya - Japfa Comfeed Vietnam Co., Ltd. shared about the situation of the agricultural, livestock and food processing industry in Indonesia, which has developed and has a high ranking in the ASEAN region. ASEAN businesses ensure product quality and still make profits from the price competition of companies outside of ASEAN such as East Asia, Europe, the United States, etc. Finally, the share of ASEAN companies. Mr. David Zhang - Director of Metropack Indonesia Company about the packaging market in Vietnam and the potential and challenges in developing the product business of this market.


At the end of the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Thi Hong Xuan - President of the Vietnam - Southeast Asia Friendship Association in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City said about the initiative to organize a potential sharing session to connect Vietnamese - Indonesian businesses in the cultural - art exchange program: "The cultural story, Indonesia has brought to Vietnam. However, culture must go hand in hand with economic development and thus we also ensure comprehensive and inclusive development. Culture is important as the foundation for all problems, sustainable development, but it is necessary to have an economy to promote the role of culture.


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TLS Indonesia and Assoc. Dr. Phan Thi Hong Xuan gives letters of thanks to business units


The second part of the program is the Cultural - Art Exchange between Indonesia and Vietnam.

Opening the program was a concert performance of Vietnamese folk instruments from the students of the Faculty of Traditional Music, FPT University in Ho Chi Minh City with the compositions: Luu Thuy - Kim Tien - Xuan Phong - Long tiger. Hue court music connects to Ly horse O, a southern folk song. The performance wishes to introduce two genres of Vietnamese traditional music to the audience; The song Si Jangtung Hati - Dating on the moon night, an Indonesian song composed in a playful pop style with a gentle, seductive melody, and especially performed by Vietnamese ethnic musical instruments, shows the cultural interference. and unity between the two countries.


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Performance of traditional Vietnamese musical instruments from FPT University in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City


Next was the performance of the Vietnamese traditional five-body Ao Dai, designed by artist Pham Van Tuyen, through the performance of the students of the Vietnam - Southeast Asia friendship branch, the Open University of Ho Chi Minh City and Miss World Environment 2023 Nguyen Thanh Ha.


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Vietnamese traditional costume presentation


The program was followed by the Stage Play showing Wayang - content extracted from two great Hindu epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, as well as indigenous stories originating from Java. “Wayang Kulit” (meaning shadow puppetry) is traditionally performed on holidays and religious ceremonies in Indonesia. In this program, the Play is divided into 3 parts, performed and led by artist Aldy as a puppeteer or narrator of great characters in the epic through shadow puppetry and integrated with Balinese dances of epic characters such as Legong Keraton Condong, Jauk Keras,...




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Wayang shadow puppet show and traditional Balinese dances


Then there were performances by artists from Saung Angklung Mang Udjo with Angklung instruments through popular songs in Vietnam today such as See Tinh, Saigon is beautiful,... as well as Indonesian songs. This is a performance in response to the cultural and musical exchange between the two countries. In addition, the audience also directly used a part of the Angklung instrument and sang along with the performing group to create a joyful, friendly and united atmosphere.


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Performance by artists of Saung Angklung Mang Udjo and the audience to experience the Angklung musical instrument


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Performance by Singer Pak Tommy


Indonesian singers like Pak Tommy and the presence of MC Thanh Bach have contributed to the success of the show.


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The audience joins in the performance on stage


Mr. Agustaviano Sofjan shared that: “The foundation of the relationship between Indonesia and Vietnam is the relationship between the two peoples, also known as the people-to-people relationship. This connection is strongly fostered through cultural exchanges: music, art, food as well as sporting events to bring our communities closer together. I believe that Indonesia and Vietnam have important roles and will contribute positively to the progress of ASEAN. The closer we become, the more achievements we will achieve. In Indonesia we have a saying "If we don't know each other, we won't love" - ​​if we don't understand each other, we can't connect, relate and cooperate and the one word that unites us is friendship.

Agreeing with the comments of Mr. Agustaviano Sofjan, Assoc. Dr. Phan Thi Hong Xuan shared: "I am very impressed with the Indonesian proverb "If you are not used to it, you will not love it", this saying is also very close to the Vietnamese point of view: Before strange, then familiar, and when you get used to it. then "people, people, don't come back". Today's program is designed in two parts with the implication: Culture goes hand in hand with economic development, and Vietnam - Indonesia relationship will flourish based on these platforms to promote cooperation and development. extensive and long-term development between the two countries"


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Souvenir photo of the program


          On the sidelines of the event, an exhibition of landscape paintings by Painter Tran Trung Bao painted in the style of watercolor paintings took place. In 2022, painter Tran Trung Bao is a Vietnamese artist, along with Thai painters, had an exhibition of lotus paintings at the Consulate General of Thailand and the Youth Cultural House in Ho Chi Minh City. HCM. In the program "Cultural exchange - art - connecting businesses between Vietnam - Indonesia", the paintings that are successfully traded will be deducted 30% by the Organizing Committee to contribute to the Fund for Vietnam Sea and Islands.





Painting exhibition by artist Tran Trung Bao


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



Copyright by VAHC


