On May 31, 2023, the program of Vietnam - ASEAN + Youth Festival of Creativity and Cultural Exchange and the international seminar "Education in a Multicultural Environment: Current Situation and Solutions" organized by the Research Center ASEAN Human Resources Research and Training - University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-HCM in collaboration with the Vietnam - Southeast Asia Friendship Association in Ho Chi Minh City, Taipei International School in Ho Chi Minh City co-organized in the school's campus. in Phu My Hung Urban Area, District 7, HCMC.


Attending the program, from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office and international guests, there were the presence of: Mr. Tran Hieu Thanh - Deputy Consul, Prof. Dr. Tran Hoa Hien - Education Counselor, Ms. Serene Chong – Executive Committee of Malaysian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam. On the side of Taipei International School in Ho Chi Minh City, there were the attendance of: Mr. David Yuan - Chairman of the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in Ho Chi Minh City, Mr. Chiang Chun Jen - Principal, Ms. Ann Liu - Head of International Department , Ms. Sylvie Chen - Leader in charge of the movement, Ms. Rachel Chang - Leader in charge of learning. In addition, delegates from educational, training and scientific research management institutions

attended by: Mr. Dang Nguyen Thinh - Head of Department and Mr. Ha Thanh Hai - Deputy Head of Department of Education & Training District 7; Dr. Le Hoang Dung - Vice President of University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Thi Hong Xuan - Director of the Center for Research and Training of ASEAN Human Resources, and also Chairman of the Vietnam - Southeast Asia Friendship Association in Ho Chi Minh City, Ths. Tran Thi Thu Thuy – Director of Government Relations, Media and Public Relations, EQuest Education Group; Ths. Hoang Son Giang – Head of Scientific Management Department, Center for Research and Development of Youth Science and Technology Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union. On the side of the Vietnam - Southeast Asia Friendship Association in Ho Chi Minh City, there were the attendance of: Mr. Phan Hieu Nghia – Deputy Secretary General, Doctor Le Ngoc Anh Minh – Chairman of Hydrogen Club Vietnam - ASEAN, Director of Pacific group.


Opening the international talk show, Dr. Le Hoang Dung – Vice President of University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-HCM gave a speech on the importance of multicultural education and also shared: The University of Social Sciences and Humanities is one of the two schools that train science content. Humanities and Social Sciences belongs to the largest National University in the country, with the educational philosophy: comprehensive, liberal, multicultural. The Board of Directors always creates favorable conditions for faculties and centers to promote international cooperation in the implementation of scientific research projects. Multicultural education is a research topic in line with the development orientation of the country in the current period and the cooperation with Taipei International School in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City with the participation of a group of students - participating in the school's cultural ambassador club, with representatives of the students, Multicultural families will certainly help the research team of the ASEAN Human Resource Training and Research Center to have more practical materials on education from preschool to high school from Taipei International School in Ho Chi Minh City. . In Ho Chi Minh City, refer to international experiences in policies to develop multicultural education while emphasizing the role of families and schools in educating the knowledge, skills and qualities of current students. now.


Next was the cultural exchange program and opening, a vibrant modern dance performance performed by students of Taipei International School in Ho Chi Minh City impressed the guests with their investment and practice. carefully. A fashion show imbued with ethnic cultures of ASEAN countries and a performance of traditional ao dai by designer Nam Tuyen are very unique from the Vietnam - Southeast Asia Friendship Association, Ho Chi Minh City Open University. . Kebaya Asia Ambassador 2022 – Nguyen Vinh Ha Phuong attended the program and performed the song "Muse of Hue" with a gentle sound and full of love for the motherland.


Modern dance performance by students of Taipei International School in Ho Chi Minh City




Performance of Vietnamese traditional Ao Dai



Kebaya Ambassador Nguyen Vinh Ha Phuong


Opening the international seminar "Education in a multicultural environment: current status and solutions", Assoc. Dr. Phan Thi Hong Xuan presented a lecture on Global Citizen. Who are you? Vietnam started the process of integrating into the world economy in the 90s and after more than 30 years, the country has also realized the importance of integration. Our Party and State have issued resolutions and policies to promote comprehensive, extensive and flexible international integration. With the sharing with student representatives and students about the requirements posed to young people in the current period, the young people all agreed that besides their multidisciplinary integrated knowledge, the attitude of always listening, With a spirit of determination to innovate, skills of integration, foreign languages, communication and cross-cultural management, information technology are necessary and important to be cultivated.


At the seminar, Prof. Dr. Tran Hoa Hien shared about Taiwan's education policy in digital transformation and climate change. According to Taiwan's sustainable development goals, the six main transformational actions are: human resource capacity building, circular economy, energy transition, sustainable food agriculture and ecological conservation, Smart cities and sustainable digital revolution. To make digital transformation sustainable and generate public good, accelerate the way emerging technologies like the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain block, ... in order to accelerate the implementation of the global sustainable development strategy. On the basis of the MOE's 30-year promotion of environmental education, new policy directions "


Next, Mr. Tran Hieu Thanh gave a presentation on the importance of multicultural knowledge for the young generation in the period of international integration. He shared: “Cultural exposure and international exchanges have two very significant outstanding advantages. One is to broaden your horizons and know more. The second is to create more opportunities and conditions for ourselves.”


Ms. Serene Chong shared about Malaysia's multicultural education policies and gave some suggestions for schools in Vietnam to promote multicultural education. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country, therefore Malaysia's multicultural education policy aims to promote social cohesion, unity and understanding among its diverse population groups. The country is home to many different ethnic groups, including Malays, Chinese, Indians and indigenous communities. Multicultural education in Malaysia is demonstrated through the contents of Historical Context, National Language, Native Education, National Curriculum, Moral Education, Extracurricular Activities, Solidarity and Association Integration, Special Education Initiative, Teacher Training and Professional Development, and Social Contribution.


Before moving on to the discussion part, Miss Environment World 2023, United Nations Goodwill Ambassador - Ms. Nguyen Thanh Ha also spoke to share her feelings about the program: "The mission of youth, as the message that today's program names, is "creative youth", is in the space of "cultural exchange" "Vietnam - ASEAN +" is an education that will be an inspiration to help young people understand the problems of the countries around them, their friends next to them, even if we have different languages, or are geographically far apart. .”


KS. Le Ngoc Anh Minh inspires young people, introduces the ASEAN Youth Innovation Forum, suggests they think more about solutions to exploit and recover excess heat for life.



At the closing speech, Mr. David Yuan - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Taipei International School in Ho Chi Minh City expressed his delight at the success of the seminar, expanding many opportunities for cross-cultural cooperation between the two countries. schools and educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City as well as other localities in Vietnam.


Guests and Cultural Ambassador of Taipei International School visit the school library


Visiting the campus


Delegates take souvenir photos together


Guests in the panel discussion (from left to right): HH Nguyen Thanh Ha, Kebaya Ambassador Nguyen Vinh Ha Phuong, Ms. Serene Chong, Prof. Dr. Tran Hoa Hien, Mr. Tran Hieu Thanh, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phan Thi Hong Xuan, Doctor Le Ngoc Anh Minh, Representative of the Group of Cultural Ambassadors of Taipei International School in Ho Chi Minh City


Take a souvenir photo at the end of the program


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phan Thi Hong Xuan with Cultural Ambassadors


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



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