Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC Club) and the Greater Bay Carbon Neutrality Association (GBACNA) signed a cooperation agreement


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At the Future Energy Forum 2023, Mr. Nguyen Anh Tam, vice president of VAHC Club and Mr. Dennis Wu, Chairman of the Greater Bay Carbon Neutral Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding.


(a) GBACNA's mission is to promote the development of carbon neutrality related initiatives and to strengthen international industry cooperation and transformation such as hydrogen technology in Vietnam and the ASEAN region. GBACNA together with its members provide guidance, support, capacity building and solutions in green technology, hydrogen or other renewable energy, decarbonisation, carbon neutrality, carbon credit projects, markets carbon credit market, ESG, climate change, carbon finance and green finance.


(b) VAHC's mission is to create an official playground for policy makers, scientists, researchers, project developers, financial investors, climate change donors to shape hydrogen community in Vietnam, the South and the ASEAN region. Through the VAHC, members, governmental and non-governmental agencies, hydrogen energy campaigners, technologists and investors can meet and transfer resources in terms of human resources, land fund, technology and know-how, financing, construction, supply and consumption of hydrogen at the national and regional level;


The two sides have signed cooperation agreements in the following areas:


Training and Knowledge Sharing Programs: GBACNA can partner with Hydrogen Club to develop comprehensive training programs and seminars on carbon neutrality, green technology, green finance, markets carbon, hydrogen or other renewable energy related technologies. These programs can educate professionals, businesses and individuals on sustainable practices, hydrogen production, storage and use, and other related topics. GBACNA's expertise in ESG, decarbonisation, climate change, green technology, renewable energy, carbon neutrality, carbon credit markets and green finance training could complement the Club's focus Department of Hydrogen into the hydrogen and renewable energy industry.



Research and Development: Collaboration can facilitate collaborative research and development projects between GBACNA and members of the Hydro Club. Joint efforts can explore innovative solutions to integrate hydrogen technology and green technology into decarbonization, carbon neutrality, climate change, ESG, sustainable development, green finance, expertise and sustainable investment funds. This could include conducting feasibility studies, pilot projects, and sharing best practices for hydrogen adoption or sustainable renewable energy and green technologies.


Policy and Advocacy: GBACNA and the Hydro Club can work together to advocate for favorable policies and regulations that promote the adoption of hydrogen technologies, carbon neutrality, resilience climate resilience & adaptation, green finance and green or low carbon activities. By joining forces, they can effectively communicate the benefits of hydrogen and sustainability to policymakers, industry stakeholders and the public, fostering an environment that is supportive of development. of the hydrogen economy in Vietnam and the ASEAN region.


Business networking and investment opportunities: Partnerships can facilitate business networking events, matchmaking sessions, and investment forums that connect GBACNA members and the Club's network. Hydrogen club. This partnership can help catalyze investment in low-carbon or decarbonized projects, carbon credit projects, hydrogen or renewable infrastructure, green or finance projects, and sustainable energy initiatives. . GBACNA's expertise in carbon neutrality, carbon credit markets, finance and renewables can help define funding mechanisms and attract private and public investment for related projects to hydrogen.


Capacity building and certification: GBACNA and Hydrogen Club can collaborate on the development of certification programs and standards for professionals working in the hydrogen or other renewable energy, carbon credit markets , green finance and the carbon neutral sector. These certifications can enhance the skills and expertise of individuals, ensuring a qualified workforce that is capable of driving the renewable energy and sustainable hydrogen ecosystems forward.


Overall, the partnership between GBACNA and the Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club can facilitate knowledge exchange, capacity building, policy advocacy and business opportunities in the areas of carbon neutrality, green development, green finance, renewable energy, green technology, carbon credit market and technological hydrogen. By working together, they can contribute to the growth and sustainability of the hydrogen economy in Vietnam, the ASEAN region and beyond.


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



Copyright by VAHC


