On May 23, the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the Vietnam-Southeast Asia Friendship Association and the Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organizations co-organized the program "Cultural exchange - art - business connection" . Vietnam - Indonesia".The program aims to mark the 10th anniversary of the friendly and strategic relationship between Vietnam and Indonesia. In addition, the program brings together Indonesian and Vietnamese companies and businesses to share and discuss opportunities to participate in the ASEAN common economic market, especially in the new normal period to implement solutions. solution for net-zero carbon economy. Especially to create a formal playground for policy makers, scientists, researchers, project developers, financial investors, climate change sponsors, technologists, contractors. , the media to form a hydrogen community of Vietnam and the highly innovative ASEAN region, the Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club under the Vietnam - Southeast Asia Friendship Association was established.


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Delegates of the business seminar Indonesia - Vietnam 


During the Indonesia - Vietnam business seminar, Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Minh - Director of Pacific Group, Chairman of Hydrogen Club Vietnam - ASEAN said: "The club was established with the goal of connecting real Vietnamese businesses. Vietnam is currently committed to net zero emissions by 2050. We hear a lot about clean energy and net zero, clean energy is the trend. We are very fortunate to be a member of the Vietnam Southeast Asia Friendship Association, we organize the club to help businesses transition to zero-emission energy."


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Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Minh - Director of Pacific Group, Chairman of Hydrogen Club Vietnam - ASEAN


Through Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club, members, governmental and non-governmental agencies, hydrogen energy campaigners, technologists and investors, contractors can meet and transfer resources. on human resources, land fund, technology, finance, construction, supply and consumption of hydrogen in Vietnam and the ASEAN region.


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Performance of traditional Vietnamese musical instruments from FPT University in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City


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 Vietnamese traditional costume performance


In addition, the program has many special performances about saving Culture - Art between Indonesia and Vietnam with performances of musical instruments, dances, shadow puppetry and unique traditional music of different regions. different cultures in Indonesia.




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 performances of musical instruments, dance, shadow puppetry and traditional music of different cultural regions in Indonesia


Topics on agriculture-livestock economy, digital transformation, digital economy, marine economy and cross-border e-commerce connection of Vietnamese and Indonesian businesses in ASEAN are also mentioned in the program. . Besides, through promotional activities, exchanges and connections of Hydrogen Vietnam ASEAN Club with energy organizations, domestic and foreign businesses will update their knowledge, understanding as well as the role and vision of the Association. the importance of hydrogen in the trend of sustainable development, green growth thereby promoting the sustainable development of businesses and society.


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



Copyright by VAHC


