VAHC Club's schedule for August 13, 2024, receiving a consulting delegation from the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) for an interview

VAHC Club Calendar August 13, 2024 


At 10:00 a.m., received a delegation of consultants from the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) for an interview.


The European Union (EU) has launched the Technical Assistance Facility for the Green Team Europe Initiative (TAF-GTEI) to support the transition to clean and sustainable energy in ASEAN. NIRAS International Consulting – Indonesia ( ) is implementing this important project.


We are reaching out to invite you to participate in a face-to-face interview to gain valuable insights into the technical assistance and capacity building needs of clean energy project developers in ASEAN. Your feedback is critical in helping us design targeted support programs to address the specific challenges faced by clean energy developers in the region.


Interview details:


Duration: About 30 minutes

Interviewer: Ms. Sopin Wachirapuwadon and Ms. Kullakant Chertchutham

Confidentiality: Your answers will be kept confidential.


Proposed meeting date and time: August 13, 2024 (Tuesday), 10:00 AM, at your office. If this date and time does not fit your schedule, please suggest an alternative date and time around August 12-13.

At 14:00, VAHC Club delegation visited and worked at TSG Company headquarters.


Information about TSG:


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



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