VAHC Club cooperates comprehensively with Scottish Hydrogen Association


On July 29, 2024, Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Minh, Chairman of VAHC Club and Mr. Nigel Holmes, Chairman of Scottish Hydrogen Association signed a memorandum of understanding on strategic cooperation between the two organisations.


1. MOU Purpose and Scope


The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to assist both Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC) and Hydrogen Scotland to strengthen links and develop activities that will help our organisations to deliver their aims efficiently and in a timely manner on behalf of all our members. 


The guiding principles behind this MOU are to

  • fully meet the needs and expectations of our respective members;
  • help develop effective links between Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club and Hydrogen Scotland on behalf of our members;
  • support the growth and beneficial impacts of our sector, and to develop and share best practice in the safe use and deployment of hydrogen technologies.


2. About Our Organisations

Our organisations have significant areas of common and aligned interests. See Appendix 1.


3. Commitments

We will support joint activities to further our common aims and objectives including:


  • Improved engagement with other organisations in complementary geographic locations to support development of alliances;
  • Coordination of news articles, communications, and events where appropriate and in common interest;
  • Support skills development, education, and outreach activities;
  • Coordination and communication on policy developments of shared interest and consultation document releases from respective governments;
  • Coordination and communication on research and development activities and projects of shared interest.



4. Specific Actions to Support Commitments 

The following actions will be delivered by Hydrogen Scotland:


  • To help with coordination of activities and events Hydrogen Scotland will add two contacts from Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club to the Hydrogen Scotland news and events email distribution list. 
  • In addition Hydrogen Scotland will list Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club as a member of Hydrogen Scotland on the Hydrogen Scotland website, and this will be at no cost to Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club.
  • The following reciprocal actions will be delivered by Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club:
  • To help with coordination of activities and events, Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club will add two Hydrogen Scotland contacts to the Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club business members email distribution list. 
  • In addition Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club will list Hydrogen Scotland as a member of VAHC on the VAHC website, and this will be at no cost to Hydrogen Scotland.


Appendix 1 : Outlines and Objectives of our Organisations


Outline of Hydrogen Scotland: 


Hydrogen Scotland was established in 2004 to promote and develop expertise in fuel cells and hydrogen technologies. Hydrogen Scotland has grown steadily to become one of the largest Hydrogen and Fuel Cell membership organisations in Europe. Now with over 200 members Hydrogen Scotland has a very broad membership base, reflecting the increasing awareness of our core technologies, and also how hydrogen and fuel cell technologies can enable renewables to deliver their full economic and environmental potential in key energy market areas. 


A primary objective for Hydrogen Scotland is to help our members to develop and deliver projects linked to the key market opportunity areas with transport, stationary power, and energy storage linked to renewables. We support the development of low carbon and energy efficient technologies, alongside the growth in renewables in Scotland to deliver real benefits in practical and economic terms at a local level.


Hydrogen Scotland membership is open to all-comers. We provide a coherent voice to represent, promote, and develop Scottish hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. There is considerable opportunity for Scotland to achieve a major hydrogen and fuel cell economy. We believe that through Hydrogen Scotland we can harness the skills and expertise available to ensure that Scotland is promoted on a national and international stage as a preferred destination for fuel cell & hydrogen development and deployment.


Outline of Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club: 

The Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC) aims to create a formal playground for policy makers, scientists, researchers, project developers, financial investors, climate change sponsors to form a hydrogen community in Vietnam. South and the ASEAN region. 

Massively invested renewable energy projects in Vietnam put a lot of pressure on the transmission infrastructure, leading to many projects not being able to connect or connected but unable to discharge their full capacity. In essence, renewable energy is an unstable energy because it depends on the weather. Therefore, policymakers as well as investors are looking for ways to set up electricity storage systems such as batteries, hydrogen or fuel cells used for transportation. 


Countries in Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia are actively converting to clean energy from fossil similar to Vietnam. Especially the Northeast Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and China have committed to net zero by 2050 and 2060 which require an alternative clean fuel source where hydrogen is a key fuel component. Against this backdrop, domestic and foreign investors are trying to form an energy storage mechanism in which Hydrogen can play a key role.


Through VAHC, members, governmental and non-governmental agencies, hydrogen energy campaigners, technologists and investors can meet and transfer resources in terms of human resources, land fund, technology and know-how, finance, construction, supply and consumption of hydrogen at the national and regional level.


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



Copyright by VAHC


