• Pursuant to Government Decree No. 3/2022/ND-CP dated May 20, 2022 on interest rate support from the State budget for business loans
  • Pursuant to express dispatch No. 18〇/QDNNW - NVCV of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund - Ministry of Planning and Investment and Decision No. 12/QD 一 HDTV dated October 4, 2023; Based on preferential loan regulations of the Cooperative Development Support Fund;
  • Based on the Institute's functions and tasks in research and implementation, guiding the State's policies for businesses.
  • Based on the implementation results in 2023, the highlight is that a number of businesses have received timely support from the agency in getting policy loans right from the first months of the year to ensure capital advantages. , helping businesses overcome 2023 with many domestic economic difficulties (For example: Supporting the disbursement of 37.3 billion from preferential policy loans for the fermented soybean meal production project" in the province Hung Yen in May 2023), the Institute continues to assign responsibility to the Policy Center to implement the program to support small and medium-sized enterprises and cooperatives in building documents and accessing preferential loans from the Government. Information about capital sources and preferential policies for each subject is as follows:


1. Borrowers are small and medium enterprises:

Short-term loan interest rate is 1.2%/year, medium-term and long-term loan interest rate is 4.4%/year. Maximum loan term is 07 years, grace period is 02 years. Maximum loan application support limit is 150 billion VND/project and maximum

at least over 300 million VND/project (see details in the appendix). 


2. The borrower is a collective economic unit

Production cooperative: Fixed loan interest rate is .5.13%/year. Maximum loan term is 5 years.

Small and medium-sized enterprises and cooperatives wishing to borrow policy capital to serve production and business, please contact the agency using the information below.


Contact information: Center for Business Policy Research and Support

Agency headquarters in Hanoi: 2nd Floor - Research Institute Building - No. 04, Huy Du Street, Cau Dien Ward, Nam Tu Liem District (Administrative Area of ​​the District).

Agency headquarters in Ho Chi Minh City: No. 1/5 Cau Xeo Street, Tan Son Nhi Ward, Tan Phu District.

Hotline: 0943 670 519



Policy officer: Tran Thi Thanh Huyen

Phone: 0906 629 528

This official dispatch replaces official dispatch No. 283八/P-VNCDN of the Institute signed and issued on  June 26, 2023.








Support object

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)


Maximum loan amount

Maximum not more than 80% of total investment capital of each project, production and business plan


Loan purpose

Invest in implementing projects, production and business plans.


Maximum loan term

Maximum no more than 07 years


Grace period

The maximum grace period for a project (medium and long-term loan) is 02 years


Loan interest rates are fixed or can decrease throughout the loan term

-Short-term loan interest rate: 1.2% per year

-Interest rate for medium-term loans: 4.4% per year

-Long-term loan interest rate: 4.4% per year


Debt repayment method

Diverse and suitable for the cash flow of small businesses


Early repayment

Small and medium enterprises can proactively repay debt before maturity and will not be subject to any money or penalties for early repayment.


Post-loan support


DNNW can participate in capacity building support programs organized by the Fund.



Loan currency


Vietnam Dong.

  Lending comdition


 -For creative start-up SMEs:

+ Have a feasible project and production and business plan;

+ Ensure that the owner's capital participating in the project, production and business plan is at least 20% of the total investment capital to implement the project, production and business plan and must ensure enough capital to implement the project, production and business plan;

+ Meets loan security regulations and relevant legal regulations.

-For state-owned enterprises participating in industry clusters:

+ Have a feasible project and business plan in the geographical area of ​​the industrial cluster and have a business and cooperation contract with other enterprises in the cluster.

connect industries or jointly build and use regional brands;

+ Ensure that the owner's capital to participate in the project, production and business plan is at least 20% of the total investment capital to implement the project, production and business plan, and must ensure enough capital to implement the project, production and business plan .

+ Meets loan security regulations and relevant legal regulations.

-For SMEs participating in the value chain:

+ Have a feasible project or business plan, implemented to directly create added value for the products of the value chain or have a business and cooperation contract with an enterprise that directly creates added value for products of the value chain;

+ Ensure that the owner's capital participating in the project, production and business plan is at least 20% of the total investment capital to implement the project, production and business plan and must ensure enough capital to implement the project, production and business plan;

+ Meets regulations on loan security and relevant legal regulations.

+ Have a feasible project or business plan, implemented to directly create added value for the products of the value chain or have a business and cooperation contract with an enterprise that directly creates added value for products of the value chain;

+ Ensure that the owner's capital participating in the project, production and business plan is at least 20% of the total investment capital to implement the project, production and business plan and must ensure enough capital to implement the project, production and business plan;

+ Meets regulations on loan security and relevant legal regulations.



Expenses not supported by the Fund

-Pay expenses and meet financial needs of transactions and acts prohibited by law;

-Buy and use goods and services in industries and occupations that are prohibited by law from investing in business;

-Repayment of loans at credit institutions and repayment of foreign loans;

-Receive transfer of land use rights;


Loan application documents

1.For SMEs:

a)  Original copy of the enterprise's loan application (Details in the attached appendix);

b)  Copy of project dossier and feasible production and business plan, with at least the following contents:

-Business plan and economic efficiency spreadsheet of the project; investment costs; investment items; Investment capital sources expected progress of construction and procurement; Expected plan to receive capital and repay debt;

-Investment license (if any); construction permit (if any); environmental impact assessment report (if any).

- List of debts of all types at banks and credit institutions that state-owned enterprises have loan relationships with (if any).

c) Copies of documents and papers proving that state-owned enterprises are eligible for support from the Fund;

d) Copy of Business Registration Certificate.


2. For banks requesting to receive indirect loan capital:

a) Original copy of request to receive indirect loan capital from the bank;

b) Documents and documents specified in Clause 1 of this Article;

c) Copy of the in-principle approval document or decision on the bank's lending to SMEs; copy of the credit contract and appendix (if any) signed between the bank and the SME (for bank loans disbursed to the enterprise);

d) Copy of the bank's loan appraisal report.



List of banks that will support the Fund in the local appraisal process

Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV); Saigon - Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB); Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank (BAB); Military Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank (MB); Ho Chi Minh City Development Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HDBANK); Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Sacombank)!



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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



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