Energy Management for Smart Factories 




Energy Management System for Factory

Importance of Energy Management

Energy costs make up a significant portion of  a plant's  Energy costs represent a significant portion of our operating expenses.

• Effective energy management helps reduce costs and improves

our factory's overall competitiveness.

• It also contributes to environmental sustainability and

corporate social responsibility



Key Objectives of Energy Management


Energy Efficiency: We aim to use energy more

efficiently to achieve the same production output or

better with reduced energy consumption.

Demand Management: By monitoring peak demand

and strategically scheduling operations, we can avoid

costly energy spikes.

Renewable Energy Integration: Exploring and

implementing renewable energy sources can help

offset our reliance on conventional energy and reduce

greenhouse gas emissions.




Energy Saving Strategies 

 Upgraded Equipment: Replace outdated machinery with

energy-efficient models that have better performance and

reduced energy consumption.

▪ Lighting Optimization: Use energy-efficient LED lighting and

implement motion sensors to avoid unnecessary energy


▪ HVAC Management: Optimize heating, ventilation, and air

conditioning systems to ensure they operate at peak efficiency.

▪ Employee Awareness: Educate and involve employees in

energy-saving practices to foster a culture of energy






The application of the inverter is to save the power consumption of 3-phase electric motors


The main purpose of the inverter is to control the speed of the

motor, because its ability to adjust the frequency will make the

motor change speed. This is the initial requirement set for the

inverter to be born.

After the actual use process, when installing the inverter for the

motor with some special applications, it was found that compared

to the time when the inverter was not installed, the motor's

power consumption decreased a lot from 20- 30%, sometime

this application reduced up to 40-50%.on



For example, a lathe that only needs a 3.7kW motor is enough to pull the turntable, but for some reason people install a motor up to 5.5kW. In this situation, if you install an inverter and slow down the speed of this motor, it will save a considerable amount of energy.




Peak Demand Management

  • Identify peak demand periods and adjust production

schedules to avoid energy-intensive processes during

those times.

  • Consider negotiating flexible energy contracts to benefit

from lower rates during off-peak hours.




Some actual statistics recorded:

  • Enables factory energy management without a large

capital investment while also reducing energy waste

costs by 8% to 13%.

  • 24/7 monitoring of factory energy usage helps

operators respond quickly to abnormalities.

  • 7-day energy consumption forecasting helps avoid

exceeding the contracted energy capacity





I. Normal hours cost: 2,629 (VND/kWh)

II. Off-peak hour price:  1,547 (VND/kWh)

III. Peak hour price:  4,400 (VND/kWh)




Applications of inverters is to save power consumption of 3-phase electric motors.

For commercial premises such as offices and

public buildings, inverters can be applied to the

electric motors running the HVAC fans, chillers,

pumps and cooling towers.

For industrial and manufacturing

premises inverters have been proved to successfully

reduce energy and the associated costs for conveyors,

compressors, cooling towers, mixers, pumps, fans,

chillers, extruders…

For warehousing and logistics sites inverters are

successful at reducing energy usage on their large


For quarries, metals and mines inverters can be used

to help control crushers, pumps, extract fans, conveyors,

hydraulic power packs, compressors.

For leisure facilities, hotels and restaurants inverters

have been proved to save energy on applications such as pumps, fans and HVAC


 Bioenergy solutions



Applications of Biomass converted into Bio fuel & Bio Energy


New Method New method



Biogas - OverviewWWQQ


15 years of experience in biogas upgradmg 200,000 Air Liquide, world leader in biogas purification with a capacity of >200,000 m3/h 1,000 to 3J500TW.1H Market potential

More than 50 biogas units operating worldwide 



Renewable & Smart Energy Storage SolutionsCapture.PNGsswwedd

Evaluate the feasibility of solar panels, wind turbines, or other renewable energy sources on-site.

Partner with renewable energy providers or invest in community solar initiatives.

Implement energy storage systems to store excess energy during low-demand periods and use it during peak hours.


The 4.0 Industry Revolution




I. Machine Automation 




Reduce the dependence on manpower and tighten-up production


II. Equipment Connectivity and Data Acquisition




IoT Sensor devices technologies




Data can be collected and transmitted in real time


II. MES Integration & Process Visualization 



IV. Data analysis

Research Example: How much money can one LED light bulb make us?

• Minimize the energy consumption as much as possible

• Some Fabs or factory are 24/7 operations

• Minimizing the power consumption by any means is important.

Lighting is a large part of that.  Additionally, environmental control via air conditioning systems is key the LED tubes are 120-160 lm/W

• Compared to a standard 1.2m (4ft) fluorescent tubes, LED tube save 185-200 kW-h of power per tube every year

• plus, they save an additional 75-80 kW-h of power in air conditioning costs $190 per tube over the 5 year warranty period!


One 1.2m LED tube Saving Money Cost
Energy (Lighting) 200 kW.h/Year $20
Air conditioner (Cooler) 80 kW-h/Year $8
Down time $10/Year $10
Total $38  
Total Saving in 5 Years $190 $190



 Compared with standard 1.2m (4ft) fluorescent tubes, LED tubes save 185-200 kW-h of electricity per bulb per year plus, we save 75-80 kW-h more electricity in the cost of air conditioning. So Total Savings: $190 per bag during the 5-year warranty period!


 Comparison table



Fluorescent tubes 1m2

Led tube 1m2
Power 36W 20W



Life time




Global Founderies, Germany

Our customers report a modest size fab of 25,000 lights easily save annually more than $3,000,000 USD in maintenance, stocking, shutdowns and disposal charges. (Global Founderies, Germany) In 2021, our clients saved more than $7,500,000 USD in energy savings and more than 3X that much in maintenance and down time!






Adopting an effective Energy

Management System for our factory is a strategic move that benefits both our business and the environment.

By optimizing energy usage, we can enhance our competitiveness, save costs, and demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.

Financial and Environmental Benefits

Reduced Energy Costs: By implementing energy-saving measures, we can expect significant cost savings over time.

Environmental Impact: Our commitment to energy management and renewable energy will reduce our carbon footprint, contributing to a cleaner environment.




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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



Copyright by VAHC


