On the morning of November 1, the National Assembly continued to discuss and evaluate the results of implementing the 2023 socio-economic development plan; Expected plan for 2024.


  • Vietnam has many advantages in developing the semiconductor industry
  • A breakthrough mechanism in human resources is needed for the semiconductor industry to develop


Accordingly, the National Assembly continues to discuss in the hall about: Assessing the results of implementing the socio-economic development plan for 2023, expected socio-economic development plan for 2024; Mid-term assessment of the implementation of the socio-economic development plan for 2021-2025, Economic restructuring plan for the period 2021-2025; Results of implementing Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 on fiscal and monetary policies to support the Socio-economic recovery and development program; Government report on piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies to develop Da Nang city; Results of reviewing the system of legal documents according to the provisions of Resolution No. 101/2023/QH15 on the 5th Session, 15th National Assembly.


Green energy conversion, hydrogen renewable energy development


Expressing opinions on the socio-economic situation at the meeting, delegate Pham Thuy Chinh - Ha Giang delegation expressed concern about the content of the mid-term assessment of implementing the 2021 socio-economic development plan. -2025; Economic restructuring plan for the period 2021-2025...


Proposal to issue a Strategy for developing the semiconductor and hydrogen industry


Delegate Pham Thuy Chinh - Ha Giang delegation (Photo:


Especially on developing renewable hydrogen energy and green ammonia energy. The delegate said: One of the solution tasks that the Government presented to the National Assembly at the opening session of the 6th Session of the 15th National Assembly is of interest to the people and the business community.


In particular, the Government has drastically implemented the action program to implement commitments at COP 26 and the political declaration on equitable energy transition. JETP promotes green energy transition and develops renewable hydrogen energy. .


Delegate Pham Thuy Chinh highly appreciated the Government's determination and believed that together with the semiconductor industry, these will be breakthrough strategies in the context that Vietnam has great potential advantages in renewable energy. The generation and input of green hydrogen and ammonia is also a world trend when about 40 countries have built hydrogen strategies with about 500 large-scale projects with a value of about 240 billion USD announced.


However, this female delegate also said that political determination alone is not enough, but a legal framework is needed to create a safe and sustainable favorable environment for successful energy transition.


"I suggest that the Government pay attention to directing and reviewing the need to soon amend the Electricity Law, research and develop a Renewable Energy Law, including a separate chapter regulating green hydrogen and ammonia, and at this meeting We request the National Assembly to include in the meeting resolution the content of assigning the Government to soon develop a strategy for developing the semiconductor and hydrogen industry as a new breakthrough economic sector to create a driving force for development" - delegate Pham Thuy Chinh emphasize.


Proposal to issue a Strategy for developing the semiconductor and hydrogen industry


Overview of the discussion session on the morning of November 1 at the hall (Photo:


Delegate Pham Thuy Chinh proposed that the Government should soon propose to the National Assembly to promulgate a number of specific financial policy mechanisms for the hydrogen industry from legal financial sources including support from the state budget. through tax, fee, interest rate policies and Funds to support research and deployment of new technologies to stimulate the attraction of private investment in the form of public-private partnerships and develop the hydrogen industry.


There are still delays in drug supply


In addition, during this morning's discussion session, many delegates were also very concerned about the issue of lack of medicine and supplies in treatment at hospitals.


Speaking about the delay in drug supply in recent times, delegate Nguyen Lan Hieu - Binh Dinh delegation said that currently the bidding and procurement of drugs has been improved, there is no longer the phenomenon of having to buy drugs outside the country. .


The delegate said that the objective reason is because there are too many legal regulations related to this sensitive field, it is difficult to make purchasing decisions, fully meeting the regulations of many other ministries and branches. together.


Proposal to issue a Strategy for developing the semiconductor and hydrogen industry


Delegate Nguyen Lan Hieu - Binh Dinh province National Assembly delegation (Photo:


The most difficult thing today is not being able to buy good quality products and develop new techniques. Many poor quality products still pass through the "narrow window" to win the bid at a cheap price. There are companies willing to reprint catalogs to meet the requirements of being included in the bidding list. Therefore, delegates believe that it is necessary to promote criteria for warranty, technical transfer, and grouping; only good quality companies will accept warranty and maintenance for up to 5 years with provisions for transfer training. deliver. If these criteria are encouraged by law with specific guidance documents, it will be of great help to the health sector.


In addition, the issues of public investment, support and restoration of socio-economic development, textbooks, removing bottlenecks in credit growth for the economy... were mentioned by delegates. and debate.


Partners, please click the following link to download Report No. 746/TTr-BCT dated November 1, 2023 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to the Government on Approving the Strategy on hydrogen energy production to 2030, vision to year 2050


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

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Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

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