( - On the afternoon of November 27, in Hanoi, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the 30th anniversary of the Vietnamese young entrepreneur movement organized by the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Association.


Prime Minister: Creative government with open policies, smooth infrastructure and smart management - Photo 1.


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the 30th anniversary of the Vietnamese young entrepreneurs movement organized by the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Association - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac


Also attending the event were members of the Party Central Committee: Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung, Minister and Chairman of the Ethnic Committee Hau A Lenh, Standing Deputy Head of the Central Mass Mobilization Committee Pham Tat Thang; leaders and former leaders of ministries, departments, branches, central and local agencies.


After 30 years of formation and development, from a young business club established with 15 initial members, up to now the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Association has branches in 63 provinces and cities, gathering nearly 19,000 members.


The Association's activities have achieved many achievements, affirming itself as one of the prestigious business associations, with a good influence not only on the business and business community but also on society.


Many meaningful programs have been organized in recent times associated with the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Association brand such as: Vietnam Gold Star Award honoring typical Vietnamese brands, Red Star Award honoring Vietnamese Young Entrepreneurs representative...


In particular, participating in the ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Association and the Asia-Pacific Young Entrepreneurs Association is an important step in affirming the position and image of Vietnamese young entrepreneurs to the business and community communities. businesses in the region and the world.


Prime Minister: Creative government with open policies, smooth infrastructure and smart management - Photo 2.


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh spoke at the celebration - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac


Speaking at the celebration, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh first sent General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's greetings, regards, and congratulations to young entrepreneurs and the young Vietnamese entrepreneur movement.


Reviewing important milestones in the revolutionary career of our Party and people, the Prime Minister emphasized that we have risen with the spirit of self-reliance, self-reliance, with endogenous strength, based on human resources. , nature and historical cultural traditions, asserting itself, reaching out to the world, gaining great achievements of historical significance, our country has never had the fortune, potential, and position of the world. position and international reputation as it is today. During the period 1986 - 2022, Vietnam is in the top 5 countries with the largest economic growth in the world.


The Prime Minister affirmed that in that common achievement, there was the contribution of the team of young Vietnamese businessmen and entrepreneurs. The 30-year flow of the Vietnamese young business movement has integrated the heroic flow of the country.


The Prime Minister once again affirmed 5 valuable lessons learned through the process of fighting for national independence, unifying the country, building and protecting the Fatherland: (1) Persistence on the path of national independence and socialism; (2) People make history; The revolutionary cause is of the entire people, by the people, for the people; (3) Unity creates strength, including unity within the Party, solidarity of the entire people, national solidarity, international solidarity; (4) Combine national strength with the strength of the times, internal strength with external strength; (5) The correct leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam is the decisive factor for all victories of the Vietnamese Revolution. The Prime Minister said that the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Association and young Vietnamese entrepreneurs also need to apply these lessons to continue to develop, grow stronger, and overcome the waves.



The Prime Minister stated clearly that we build and develop the country based on three pillars: Building a socialist rule of law state, building socialist democracy, and developing a market-oriented economy. Socialist; The overarching viewpoint is to take people as the center, as the subject, as the goal, resource, and driving force for development, not sacrificing progress and social justice to pursue simple economic growth. He assessed that young Vietnamese entrepreneurs and businessmen have also actively participated and contributed to implementing this major orientation, clearly shown in the recent COVID-19 pandemic prevention.


Prime Minister: Creative government with open policies, smooth infrastructure and smart management - Photo 3.


The Prime Minister and delegates performed a button pressing ceremony to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Vietnamese young entrepreneur movement - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac


The Prime Minister said he emphasized this to see the mission and responsibility of entrepreneurs and young businessmen to the country, to the revolutionary cause of the Party, the people, the community, and society, especially is in difficult times.


Along with that, Vietnam continues to persevere in its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, diversification, multilateralization, being a good friend, a reliable partner and an active and responsible member of the community. international copper; Build and develop a comprehensive, modern Vietnamese foreign policy and diplomacy, imbued with the identity of "Vietnamese bamboo". Foreign affairs and integration are a bright spot in 2023.


Vietnam builds an independent, self-reliant economy associated with proactive, active, deep, substantive and effective international integration; Taking internal forces as basic, strategic, long-term, decisive, combining harmoniously and reasonably with external forces as important and groundbreaking. In the economy, businesses are the shock force, including a team of young entrepreneurs.


At the same time, Vietnam implements the "four no's" defense policy: Not participating in military alliances; Do not associate with one country to fight another country; Do not allow foreign countries to set up military bases or use territory to fight other countries; Do not use force or threaten to use force in international relations.


We develop culture on a political, economic, and social level, determining that culture is the spiritual foundation of society, culture lights the way for the nation.


According to the Prime Minister, we still have shortcomings, limitations, and shortcomings, but the important thing is that we are steadfast with the correct path that has been determined and discover problems, difficulties, and obstacles to overcome them. timely adjustment.



"These guidelines are suitable for the conditions and circumstances of our country and in line with the trends of the times. We are confident in moving forward with this approach and I am confident that we will be able to do it and build a Vietnam is strong and prosperous, its people are increasingly prosperous and happy," the Prime Minister said.


Prime Minister: Creative government with open policies, smooth infrastructure and smart management - Photo 4.


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh presented the bas-relief to the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Association - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac


In the coming time, the world situation is expected to continue to evolve rapidly, complexly, and unpredictablely, with opportunities and advantages mixed with difficulties and challenges, but difficulties and challenges will be more numerous. Many emerging issues are of a global, all-people nature, therefore, the thinking, methodology, and approach must be global, all-people, placed in the whole of the world in order to take advantage of the power of the whole world. strength of the times.


The Prime Minister said that it must be determined that nothing is easy, especially in the context of a developing country, an economy in transition, with a small economic scale, large openness, and limited resilience. mechanism. On the other hand, we are not pessimistic but must always be optimistic and confident to rise up.


"There were times when we were much more difficult, but we still found a way forward. There's no reason why we can't do it now. History has molded us and given us our mission." then we must do and must do better. If we have tried then we must try harder, if we have tried hard then we must try harder, if we are fierce then we must be more drastic, if we have succeeded then we must be more successful," Thu said. the general spoke.


In the coming time, the Prime Minister affirmed that the Government will continue to concretize and implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, promoting the great national solidarity and ownership of the people. People; Carry out assigned functions, tasks, and powers, promote the implementation of 3 strategic breakthroughs in institutions, infrastructure, and human resources, promote the role of a constructive Government, and create favorable conditions for the people. , enterprises to develop production and business.


The Prime Minister emphasized that mechanisms and policies must be open, infrastructure must be smooth and management must be smart. Open policies will mobilize all resources and intelligence of people and businesses for development. Smooth infrastructure will help reduce costs, create new development space and new values. Smart management will help reduce costs, time, and prevent negativity and harassment.



The Prime Minister stated clearly that we determine that developing science and technology, promoting startups and innovation are inevitable trends, objective requirements, strategic choices, top priorities, thereby promoting promote areas that need to focus on development such as digital transformation, green transformation, circular economy, and sharing economy.


Prime Minister: Creative government with open policies, smooth infrastructure and smart management - Photo 5.


Prime Minister and delegates at the celebration - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac


The Prime Minister emphasized that in leadership, direction and administration, we must always respect reality, closely follow reality, come from reality, take reality as a measure and must have specific products and effects.


The Prime Minister requested businessmen and young businessmen to always accompany the Party, State, people and Government to jointly implement the Party and State's guidelines, policies and laws according to the above major directions; promote endogenous strength, absorb knowledge and experience from the world in accordance with the conditions and circumstances of our country.


The Prime Minister hopes and believes that in the next 30 years, the team of young entrepreneurs will achieve results and achievements many times greater than those of the past 30 years; Entrepreneurs are increasingly developing, the next generation inherits and promotes the achievements and experiences of the previous generation, promotes the spirit of initiative, creativity, becomes stronger, more effective, and promotes responsibility. society, contributing to realizing the greatest aspiration of building a strong, prosperous Vietnam with a prosperous and happy people.



In the immediate future, the Prime Minister requested the team of businessmen and young entrepreneurs to join hands with the whole country to effectively implement Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW dated October 10, 2023 of the Politburo on "Building and promoting the role of The role of Vietnamese businessmen in the new era". The Party and State always protect legal and legitimate rights and interests and create the most favorable conditions for the young business community to grow and contribute more and more to the cause of building and protecting the country.


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

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