Field laboratory
ISTerre H2 mobile laboratory
Magnetotellurics (MT) is an electromagnetic geophysical method for inferring the earth's subsurface electrical conductivity from measurements of natural geomagnetic and geoelectric field variation at the Earth's surface. We use the MTU-5C developed by Phoenix Geophysics. |
The CMD-DUO conductivity meters is used for fast contactless measurement of ground conductivity and in-phase (closely depending on magnetic susceptibility). Measured data can be used for conductivity maps from one or several depth levels and for conductivity sections. It can be assembled with three intercoil spacings to achieve three different depth ranges. Thus we can measure with 15, 30 or 60 m effective full depth range (Hi position) and 7.5, 15, or 30 m effective half depth range (Lo position). |
The Shaw Backpack Drill is the handheld portable core drill we use. This core drill can be used in many remote locations that a large drill rig cannot be taken. The Shaw portable core drill, 41 mm OD drill string, can be comfortably advanced to a depth of 20 m. |
Installation of tubes to measure H 2 concentrations and flows. |
Onsite gas analysis
The multi-gas detector GA-5000 is equipped with two different sensors: 1) an electrochemical cell for H 2 , CO, H 2 S, and O 2 concentration measurements, and 2) a dual wavelength infrared sensor for CO 2 and CH 4 concentration measurements. |
The AlphaGuard DF2000 device is equipped with a pulsed ionization chamber (internal volume of 0.62 L) and a fiberglass selective filter. The radon (222Rn) measurement range is between 2 to 2 ×10 6 Bq.m -3 with uncertainty variability of 5 cpm at 100 Bq.m -3 . The analysis is based on the decay of 222 Rn to 218 Po resulting in the emission of α-particles which can be measured by the instrument. Relative humidity, atmospheric pressure and temperature are simultaneously measured.
The miniRUEDI is a portable mass-spectrometer system for quantification of the partial pressures of He, Ar, Kr, N 2 , O 2 , CO 2 , CH 4 , H 2 , etc. in gaseous or aqueous matrices. The instrument is designed for environmental research. The gases are continuously sampled at atmospheric pressure using a very low flow rate, which minimizes interference with the natural mass balance of gases in environmental systems, and allows the unbiased quantification of dissolved-gas concentrations in water by gas/water equilibration using membrane contactors. |
Advanced complementary laboratory analysis
Raman spectroscopy for fluid inclusion analysis. Equipment to be upgraded soon. |
Water-rock-gas interactions under hydrothermal conditions. H 2 abiotic reactivity (generation and consumption).
Fluid inclusion and paleofluid microthermometry.
source is Grenoble