May 10, 2024: The "ASEAN-Korea Collaborative ESG Wetland and Water Resource Management Initiative" Seminar

May 10, 2024: The "ASEAN-Korea Collaborative ESG Wetland and Water Resource Management Initiative" Seminar


Key Stakeholders for the seminar at May 10, 2024

The "ASEAN-Korea Collaborative ESG Wetland and Water Resource Management Initiative" workshop on May 10, 2024, in Hanoi will bring together leading experts in environmental management, conservation, and sustainable development. The event aims to foster collaboration between ASEAN nations and Korea while exploring practical and innovative solutions to wetlands and water resource challenges. Key stakeholders will share their knowledge and perspectives, enhancing understanding and cooperation across the region.


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Key Presenters:

Mr. Nguyen Anh Duc (HASOVPA): As a representative of the Hanoi branch of the Vietnam-Korea Friendship Association (HASOVPA), Mr. Nguyen Anh Duc will offer insights into the association's ongoing projects and their impact on environmental conservation in Vietnam.


Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Minh (VAHC)​​: Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Minh leads the Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC) as its representative, playing a crucial role in renewable energy and climate change initiatives across Vietnam and the ASEAN region. He actively promotes sustainable energy solutions through international partnerships.


Dr. Ian Robert (RSK Group): A board director at RSK Group, a global provider of sustainable solutions, Dr. Robert oversees the Global Division. He specializes in environmental assessment, soil and groundwater remediation, oilfield waste management, and decarbonization technologies. His leadership in research and business development will provide strategic insights into ESG principles and their application.


Mr. Manel Fernandez (Lamor): Representing Lamor, a global leader in environmental services, Mr. Fernandez will present strategies and technologies for oil spill response, waste management, and environmental solutions tailored to the ASEAN region's unique challenges.


Dr. Kim Min Tchul (BJC): As a director at BJC, Dr. Kim Min Tchul will introduce BJC's microbial technology, focusing on aquatic ecosystem restoration. He will highlight the need for sustainable management of water resources, emphasizing biodiversity and the importance of ESG principles.


Mr. Kim Nam Hoon (APE): Mr. Kim, representing APE, will discuss the company's latest advancements in environmental technology and how these innovations contribute to the broader goals of sustainable development.


Dr. Yi Gi Chul (CWCA): As a leading expert at CWCA, Dr. Yi will delve into strategies for watershed management and their role in ensuring water security and promoting environmental health.


Dr. Lee Hae Kyung (KEHWA): The CEO of TerraHeim, Dr. Lee will present solutions for integrating antibacterial materials into water infrastructure using innovative nano-fusion technology to improve water quality and hygiene.


Mr. Souvanpheng Phommasane (AFDC): Representing AFDC in Laos, Mr. Phommasane will discuss how the consulting company builds capacity among disadvantaged rural populations, linking them to businesses and government services while enhancing governance.


Meeting Agenda:

Introduction and Objectives: Overview of the initiative's goals and regional cooperation opportunities for ESG principles in wetland and water resource management.


Presenter Sessions: Each presenter will provide insights into their organization's projects and experiences in advancing sustainable practices, followed by audience engagement and Q&A.


Panel Discussion: A collaborative discussion on strategies, challenges, and best practices for managing wetlands and water resources in line with ESG principles.


Networking and Collaboration: Participants can interact, exchange ideas, and build partnerships to promote knowledge sharing and cooperation.


Meeting Objectives:

The event focuses on integrating ESG principles into wetlands and water resources management,

fostering regional collaboration between Vietnam, other ASEAN member states, and Korea.


Key Topics:

  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.
  • Carbon reduction, capture, and storage technologies.
  • Climate data analysis, forecasting tools, and their applications in regional cooperation.


Date and Location:

  • Date: May 10th
  • Location: Hanoi Library (54E Tran Hung Dao Street, Hanoi City)
  • Host: HASOVPA


Meeting schedule:

  • Opening Session: Welcome speeches, introductions, and an overview of the workshop goals.
  • Plenary Sessions: Presentations from experts on the topics mentioned above.
  • Breakout Sessions: Smaller group discussions to dive deeper into specific issues like carbon reduction, wetlands management, and data analysis.
  • Closing Session: Summarization of key insights, action points, and closing remarks.


Morning Session:

  • 08:00 - 08:30: Registration and Welcome Coffee
  • 08:30 - 08:45: Opening Remarks (Hosted by HASOVPA)
  • 08:45 - 09:45: Presentation on the feasibility study and technical demonstration model for the ESG Wetland and Water Resources Management Initiative
  • Presdeo clip introduction: TDTU
  • Provide introduction document: GSF, TDTU, VACNE, KOVECA, VAHC, CHTD, VK Energy,


  • 09:45 - 10:00: Break
  • 10:00 - 11:20: Panel Discussion on Climate Change Project Development in the ASEAN Region
  • Moderator: Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Minh
  • Panelists: CHTD, TDTU, BJC, RSK, HASOVPA, Malaysia and Malaysia Representative
  • 11:20 - 11:30: Review of Morning Session and Afternoon Schedule


Afternoon Session:

  • 14:00 - 15:00: Visit to Quang Ba Lake Site
  • 15:00 - 16:00: Visit to CHTD (Center for High Technology Research and Development) / VAST


Some background images of the Workshop "ASEAN-Korea cooperative wetland and water resources management initiative


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



Copyright by VAHC


