1. tell about yourself and your company business in China, outside China and in Vietnam. 


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Mr. Han Fei


I am Han Fei, representing China Power Construction Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd (CPCEC), a subsidiary of CEEC, the leading entity in the Chinese Energy Industry. Within CPCEC, I hold the position of Southeast Asia Regional Representative. Vietnam stands as a pivotal market for our company, and as a subsidiary of CEEC, we are dedicated to offering comprehensive services including EPC solutions, finance options, and even investment opportunities for renewable energy projects in Vietnam.


2. We understand that your company is strong about wind power and can help customers about finance solution, how is your thought about wind and hydrogen combination especially about offshore wind and hydrogen? 


I strongly believe that hydrogen will greatly contribute to the development of wind farms, particularly in the case of offshore windfarm. As we are aware, power delivery poses a significant challenge for offshore wind farms. In this regard, hydrogen can play a pivotal role as an effective power storage and delivery solution for the electricity generated by offshore wind farms.




3. Many people think that hydrogen is futuristic, what is your opinion about hydrogen now and future? (Please tell about what you said in my office that in the past, people also thought the same about wind but now wind is very popular, depending on the market demand etc). 


Looking back at the historical development of wind farms, it becomes evident that as policies encourage market growth and more players and resources become involved in the wind farm industry, the cost of wind farms decreases significantly. I believe that the development of hydrogen will follow a similar trajectory. The next stage of wind farm development undoubtedly lies in offshore wind farms. I foresee offshore wind farms becoming a reality in the coming years. When that time comes, I am confident that relevant hydrogen policies will be released, attracting increased capital and more players to participate in this industry.


Therefore, I believe that now is an opportune moment for ambitious individuals and organizations to get involved in this industry and secure a competitive advantage for the future. Otherwise, when the time comes, there will be a surge of new players entering the market, resulting in intense competition.


4. Do you have intention to join Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club as a key member?

I am honored to join the Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club and witness the arrival of hydrogen alongside fellow members.



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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



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