INTERVIEW Prof. Dr. PHAN THI HONG XUAN, Chairwoman of VAFA (Vietnam ASEAN Friendship Association)


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Associate Professor Dr. Phan Thi Hong Xuan


1. As an active community member in the ASEAN region, could you please tell me about VAFA's plan for activities in 2023 and 2025?


2025 will be an important year for Vietnam as well as for ASEAN. For Vietnam, 2025 is associated with the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam; 80th anniversary of Vietnam's independence; 50 years of national reunification; 30 years of Vietnam joining ASEAN; With ASEAN, the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the ASEAN community… Accordingly, when VAFA turns 30 years old, there will also be many people-to-people diplomacy activities to promote the process of building the ASEAN community, enhancing the role and position of Vietnam in ASEAN in the fields of culture, sports, tourism, economics, science and technology, etc.

In the immediate future, from 2023, VAFA will cooperate with the Vietnam - ASEAN Hydrogen Club and the ASEAN Center for Human Resource Training and Research to organize the ASEAN Innovation Forum and the ASEAN Sustainable Creative Ideas Contest for ASEAN youth in the coming year. June every year; coordinate with the Consul Generals of the countries holding the rotating chair role in organizing practical activities to celebrate the founding of ASEAN; cultural and economic exchanges.

In 2025, it is expected that there will be more tree planting activities at the ASEAN Friendship Garden on the campus of Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, etc.


2. How does PGS evaluate Vietnam's Net Zero 2050 policy announced by the Prime Minister at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow UK?


This is a turning point and breakthrough policy, opening up opportunities for businesses when investing in the field of renewable energy. However, for a country that has not yet developed strongly into a powerhouse in clean energy use, Vietnam needs consistent direction from the Government and ministries, the unanimous commitment of the whole political system, the most important thing is still the initiative of business owners. As Vietnam makes its declaration of net zero emissions by 2050, joins the declaration of a global transition from coal to clean electricity, and commits to phasing out coal power, we must weigh the benefits and challenges knowledge that will be encountered when pursuing this policy. We are fully qualified in terms of nature and human level to implement a green economy as well as projects using renewable energy, but we lack technical support to develop these projects. sustainable energy projects; we lack a mechanism or have not created maximum conditions for trading renewable energies because we are familiar with the mechanism of buying and selling fossil energy – energy that will create emissions into the environment.

In addition, the cost of implementing projects or operating an economy to achieve the goal of Net Zero will be very large because we have not completed a production line of equipment or techniques for these projects. or in an economy like this to keep prices stable. Despite many challenges, the Prime Minister has a long-term vision to accompany businesses to create a sustainable economy, which is the foundation for the development of digital Big Data, serving for a modern and environmentally friendly economy. In my opinion, businesses that adapt quickly and are willing to innovate and ensure environmental commitment in the race to Net Zero will gain an advantage. The role of the State is very important in setting the policy and regulatory environment to achieve Net Zero such as: cost-sharing, researching supply chain innovation methods and coordinating the Net transition. Zero. The state - businesses should take the human factor as the center in the transition to a green economy because then, thinking, creativity and human responsibility will determine the success of the Net Zero policy. year 2050.


3. What is VAFA's mission for a zero-emissions society in Vietnam and in ASEAN?


VAFA will be a bridge between businesses and government agencies to Vietnamese and ASEAN youth in creating an environment for exchanging, providing knowledge, perspective and awareness about Net Zero, renewable energy and conservation. environmental protection through conferences, forums, seminars, contests, training courses or short-term themed classes. Because ASEAN youth, if they adapt, create and innovate, will be the future human resources to realize the goal of creating a zero-emissions society. VAFA will evoke, strengthen and unlock the potential of young people so that they have the right awareness of the environment, digital transformation and society today so that later when they work in companies and businesses, they will bring that spirit, knowledge and responsibility to improve the business towards Net Zero. VAFA will bring messages from ASEAN leaders to young people and businesses to accompany, discuss and propose options for implementing projects using renewable energy and current technologies. to make practical contributions to the green economy and society for the future of Vietnam and ASEAN.


4. In addition to the University of Social Sciences and Humanities of Ho Chi Minh City, VAFA also works and cooperates with which famous universities and research institutes of the ASEAN region for the goal of green environment and sustainable development?


In Ho Chi Minh City, VAFA's branches are mostly universities and colleges: Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Van Hien University, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, University of Economics and Finance, … With ASEAN countries, VAFA has signed an MOU with Surabaya University - Indonesia, has exchanges and cooperation with the Lee Kuan Yew Creative Urban Research Center, Singapore, the Royal University of Cambodia, and the National University of Laos. , National University of the Philippines, EPIC Creative Environment Research Center - Malaysia.


5. Please share more about other activities!


Currently, I am the President of VAFA, working at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-HCM as a Senior Lecturer, Director of the Center for Research and Training of ASEAN Human Resources. Besides, I also hold the position of Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City Association of Ethnology - Anthropology, member of Advisory Council for Foreign Affairs - Overseas Vietnamese, Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front in Ho Chi Minh City.


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



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