Announcement of the Vietnam - Japan Hydrogen Seminar 2024 to be held at Nikko Saigon Hotel on September 17, 2024 from 13:00 to 17:30 and a dinner from 18:00 to 20:00

Ho Chi Minh City, August 5, 2024


Announcement of Vietnam-Japan Hydrogen Workshop 2024 which will be held in Nikko Hotel Saigon on September 17, 2024 from 13:00 to 17:30 and dinner from 18:00 to 20:00


Dear Sir or Madam,


We would like to inform you that Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC, website at: ), Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A, website at:  and Japan External Trade Organization in Ho Chi Minh City (JERO Ho Chi Minh, website at: are cooperating to hold the Vietnam-Japan Hydrogen Workshop 2024 in Ho Chi Minh City on September 17, 2024, from 13:00 to 17:30 in Nikko Hotel Saigon, 235 Nguyen Van Cu street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.



Hydrogen has a key role to play in overcoming the climate crisis. An integrated view of the interdependent components of the hydrogen value chain is of central importance if this is to be successfully mastered around the world.



Decarbonizing the economy to achieve climate neutrality is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity in the coming decades. This is to be achieved by switching to renewable energies and by linking the energy, industry, building and mobility sectors. Because electricity generation from renewable energies such as wind and solar power is volatile, reliable and cost-effective storage and transportation options for large amounts of energy are needed. Decarbonization on a large scale can only succeed if these basic requirements are met. Hydrogen (H2) provides these capabilities in an almost ideal way, and it can also be used as a basic material or reaction partner in the process industry.


Vietnam has large capacities of solar and wind energy and therefore has ideal conditions for the production of green hydrogen. In this workshop, we will discuss about opportunities of hydrogen business in Vietnam. The objective is to form partnerships with Japan partners for hydrogen projects in Vietnam.


The purpose of the Vietnam-Japan Hydrogen Workshop 2024

Introducing Vietnam Hydrogen Roadmap to 2030 and vision to 2050 approved by Vietnam Government.

Introducing Japan Hydrogen Roadmap to 2050 announced by Japan Government

Discussing about opportunities of hydrogen business of Vietnam and of Japan.


Discussing about partnership between Vietnamese companies and Japanese companies to grasp these opportunities in both private and public sectors.


Discussing about possibility to establish hydrogen supply chain between Vietnam and Japan by exploiting strengths of Japan technology, green finance and Vietnam resources.


Discussing about hydrogen innovation in Japan and Vietnam that can bring to collaboration


Participants to the Vietnam-Japan Hydrogen Workshop 2024

We try to invite MOIT leader, Ho Chi Minh City leader, Baria Vungtau leader and confirmatively invite members and partners of VAHC and network from JETRO Ho Chi Minh who work on the fields of hydrogen, energy, chemical, materials producers, climate funds and green finance institutions. We also invite representative from Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A) who are VAHC strategic partner to attend and discuss at the Workshop.

Initial inviting list of participants are as below

Government leaders

1. MOIT leader, inviting

2. Ho Chi Minh City leader

3. Baria Vungtau leader


Association and Club

4. VAHC leader, confirmed

5. JH2A leader, confirmed

6. JETRO Ho Chi Minh leader, confirmed

7. GIZ Vietnam, confirmed


Hydrogen and hydrogen related business developer

8. PetroVietnam, inviting

9. PV Gas, confirmed

10. Ca Mau Fertilizer, confirmed

11. Phu My Fertilizer, inviting

12. Kawasaki Heavy Industries, confirmed

13. Vietsovpetro, confirmed

14. Obayashi Corporation, confirmed

15. Neuman & Esser, confirmed


Hydrogen plants Investors and potential demonstration partners

16. Obayashi Corporation, confirmed

17.   Trung Nam Group, confirmed

18.   The Green Solutions, confirmed

19.   Pacific Group, confirmed

20.   PV Gas, confirmed

21.   Vietsovpetro, confirmed


Potential hydrogen Off-taker

22. H&M Vietnam, confirmed

23. PV Gas, confirmed


Advisory, Engineering companies

24. PwC, confirmed

25. PVN Oil & Gas Research Institute, inviting

26. VATEC, confirmed

27. TUV, confirmed

28. Dream Incubator, confirmed

29. Tilleke & Gibbins, confirmed

30. Kenzen Consulting Co Ltd, confirmed


Banks and Financial Institutions

31.   Standard Charter Bank Vietnam, inviting

32.   VPBank, inviting

33.   SMBC Ho Chi Minh, confirmed

34.   MUFG Ho Chi Minh, inviting


Industrial Parks (target to carbon neutral industrial parks), Logistics, Renewable Investors, Others

35. Phu My 3 Special Industrial Park, confirmed

36. Dat Do 1 Industrial Park & Phuoc An Port, confirmed

37. Pacifico Energy Vietnam, confirmed

38. Sovico Group, confirmed

39. EDPR, confirmed

40. Viettel, confirmed

41. NYK Lines, confirmed

42. Mitsubishi Estates, confirmed

43. Mitsubishi Corporation, confirmed

44. Itouchu Corporation, confirmed

45. BP Logistics, confirmed


Media & Newspapers

46. Forbes Vietnam, confirmed

47. TuoiTre Newspaper, confirmed

48. Green Media Club, confirmed

49. Bao Phap Luat (Laws Newspaper), confirmed



Please kindly register to attend the Vietnam-Japan Hydrogen Workshop 2024 by sending email to or Zalo of number +84 90 504 9135 or We will open registration of your participant until 17:30 on September 10, 2024.


Sincerely Yours,


Le Ngoc Anh Minh                                                      Nobuyuki Matsumoto

Chairman, Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club              Chief Representative, JETRO Ho Chi Minh


1.       Initial Agenda of the Vietnam-Japan Hydrogen Workshop 2024

2.       Information Map of Vietnam Hydrogen Projects

More information about VAHC activities with Japan


Attachment 1, Agenda of Vietnam-Japan Hydrogen Workshop


Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

JETRO Ho Chi Minh City (JETRO HCM)

Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A)


Supporting Partner

Invite: MOIT

Ho Chi Minh City People’s Council

Baria Vung Tau Department of Industry and Trade, Union of Science and Technology Associations

Invite JICA

Invite JCCH

Solar & Storage Live Vietnam

BUiM Group


Type: half day workshop with lunch or dinner of about 50 guests (workshop from 13:00 to 17:30, dinner from 18:00 to 20:00)

Language: English


Venue: Nikko Saigon Hotel, 235 Nguyen Van Cu Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City



(This agenda is subject to adjustment of content and speakers but the time frame does not change)


MC of the Workshop: Ms. Phu Nguyen, Conference Manager of Solar & Storage Live Vietnam

13:00-13:30 Registration

13:30-13:40: Welcome speech by Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Minh, Chairman of Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAH) and introduction clip of VAHC.

13:40-13:50: Keynote by Mr. Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Chief Representative of JETRO Ho Chi Minh

13:50-14:05: Keynote by Mr. Hiroshi Nagatsugu, Representative of Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A) about Japanese Hydrogen Strategy & Roadmap and what can collaborate with Vietnam (green finance, technology support, hydrogen off-taking opportunities)

14:05-14:20: Presentation of Mr. Taiyo Nagata, Manager of Green Energy Department of Obayashi Corporation about overseas hydrogen investment and hydrogen pilot project case in Vietnam

14:20-14:35: Presentation by VAHC’s strategic partner, Mr. Thomas Nguyen, Vice General Director of VATEC, Vietnam Hydrogen Strategy & Roadmap & Suggestion for partnership between Japan and Vietnam to make hydrogen project bankable

14:35-15:05: Tea break

15:05-15:20: Presentation by Ms. Yuriko Yamaguchi, Manager of Green Energy and PPP Infrastructure, Dream Incubator about experience in consulting to establish hydrogen society in Indonesia with collaboration with Japan and how Dream Incubator will help your hydrogen business in Vietnam and how Dream Incubator will help local and central Government to establish long term vision on hydrogen strategy and roadmap

15:20-15:35: Presentation by Ms. Trâm Nguyễn, Partner of Tilleke & Gibbins about legal insight of green energy transition in Vietnam

15:35-15:50: Presentation by VAHC Member, Ms. Miho Nishida, Kawasaki Heavy Industry about Hydrogen Smart Community in Kobe and supply chain from Australia to Japan, suggestion about supply chain Vietnam & Japan

15:50-16:05: Presentation by VAHC’s Member, Mr. Hoang Hai Thanh, Vice Director of Technology Division of PV Gas about gas supply activities of PV Gas and concept of green hydrogen demo plant in Baria Vungtau

16:05-16:20: Presentation by VAHC Member, Mr. Nguyen Quoc Hieu, Expert of Technology Division of PV Gas about hydrogen storage and transport, based on PV Gas experience of distributing gas and suggestion about suitable hydrogen infrastructure for Vietnam

16:20-16:35: Presentation by VAHC Partner, PwC about green financing for hydrogen projects in Vietnam

16:35-17:35: Discussion about Opportunities of hydrogen business in Vietnam

Speakers: Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Minh, Chairman of VAHC Club, Mr. Matsumoto Nobuyuki, Chief Representative of JETRO HCM, Mr. Hiroshi Nagatsugu of Japan Hydrogen Association, Ms. Yuriko Yamaguchi of Dream Incubator, Mr. Hoang Hai Thanh of PV Gas, Mr. Taiyo Nagata of Obayashi Corporation, Ms. Tram Nguyen of Tilleke & Gibbins, Ms. Do Van Anh of PwC. (Moderator is Mr. Tuan Anh Nguyen, General Director of Dream Incubator Vietnam)

The discussion about opportunities below:

Policy: Opportunities from Vietnam national hydrogen strategy 2030, vision 2050

Supply: Opportunities in building hydrogen infrastructure with oil and gas players

Renewable source: Wind, solar, biomass, energy waste to produce green hydrogen

Finance: Green finance opportunity, PPP financing to hydrogen projects

Offtaker: how to sell green hydrogen to local buyers, regional buyers and Northeast Asia buyers

Partnership: between Japanese partners and Vietnamese partners

17:35-17:45: Summary of the Workshop by Mr. Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Chief Representative of JETRO HCM then taking group photo

17:45-17:55: Congratulations speeches by leader of MOIT, Ho Chi Minh City and Baria Vungtau in case they will attend this Workshop.

18:00-20:00: Dinner (buffet type)

MC of Dinner: Mr. Cuong Nguyen from Meet Ventures


Attachment 2: Vietnam Hydrogen Map


Pacific GroupPacific Group


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



Copyright by VAHC


