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The Green Box

Co2 carbon capture solution using microalgae biomass farming technology


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The potential of algae in remove CO2


Microalgae-based fuels offer several environmental benefits, being eco-friendly and non-toxic, with significant potential for mitigating global CO2 levels.

Studies indicate that 1 kg of algae biomass can fix approximately 1.83 kg of CO2, and certain microalgae species have the unique ability to utilize sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) as nutrients in addition to CO2.

Notably, CO2 makes up 50% of the dry weight of algal biomass. Microalgae, as rapidly growing photosynthetic organisms, have the remarkable capability to convert approximately 9–10% of solar energy (average sunlight irradiance) into biomass.



1 Kg microalgae can capture around→ 1.83 kg of CO2




  • Notably, CO2 makes up 50% of the dry weight of algal biomass. Microalgae, as rapidly growing photosynthetic organisms, have the remarkable capability to convert approximately 9–10% of solar energy (average sunlight irradiance) into biomass
  • ENVIRONMENTALLY – FRIENDLY: The ability of microalgae to utilize Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and CO2 in wasted water and emits oxygen which makes it environmental friendly.
  • HIGHLY NUTRITIONAL VALUES: Microalgae require much fewer resources as compared to other crops and also can be grown in various marine environments. Thus, it is easier to expand an area in which microalgae can be cultivated continuously


Describe the system principle


Idea: Design mobile algae farming modules in the form of square boxes containing about 700L of water containing nutrients to grow microalgae such as Thalassiosira, Chlorella, Spirulina, etc. These are groups of microalgae famous for their ability to grow at a fast rate in terms of biomass and absorb a lot of natural CO2.


Basic system description: This mobile algae farming system will be specifically designed to grow algae by attaching a system that sucks air from the surrounding environment to aerate a 700L tank that has been mixed with a nutrient formula. Particularly optimal nutrients, suitable for algae growth. Microalgae cells will also be inoculated into the environment in the tank. Once the air is sucked and bubbled into the microalgae tank by the air compression system, this air stream contains a lot of CO2, Nox, SOx, etc. At this time, there will be a photosynthesis process occurring in this microalgae reservoir.


At this time, Microalgae will use light from the sun as energy and some nutrients available in the tank and convert CO2 gas to develop and grow quickly. This process is quite similar to photosynthesis in green plants but at a speed 10 to 50 times faster.




Microalgae + Nutrition + CO2 → Algae biomass + O2


How many kg of CO2 that “The Green Box” contain of 700L Thalassiosira algae can capture?

The carbon capture efficiency of algae in the 700-liter tank of Thalassiosira algae is around:


Convert tank volume to kilograms: Assuming the density of water is approximately 1 kg/L, the tank would contain roughly 700 kg of water.

Estimate algal biomass: Assuming a certain biomass concentration (e.g., 0.1% biomass by weight), the algal biomass would be 0.001 * 700 kg = 0.7 kg.

Calculate captured CO2: Using the estimated biomass, the potential carbon capture could be approximately 1.83 kg * 0.7 kg = 1.281 kg of CO2


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700L Tank → 0.7kg Algae which capture about 1,281 kg CO2.

Concept of “THE GREEN BOX


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The Green Box


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Main systems integrated in “The Green Box”

1. Solar power supply system

2. Air supply system

3. IoT monitoring control system

4. Specialized LED lighting system for algae and the entire system

5. Phone charging system and integrated information guide

6. Bench design to serve the public

7. Integrated security CCTV surveillance camera system

8. Public Wifi Station, Public phone charging system. (Optional)

9. Charging system for electric motorbikes and electric cars (Optional)


10. Weather air quality monitoring system





The process of selecting and developing biomass is a critical and cost-limiting phase in the production of biofuels. This step is essential for adjusting and optimizing the energy structure and overall cost of biofuels.


Additionally, the choice of biomass directly influences greenhouse gas emissions, environmental sustainability, and economic viability. Given these considerations, there is a growing focus on microalgae as a preferred feedstock for bioenergy production due to its promising characteristics.


Microalgae have emerged as a key raw material that can help address the increasing demands for biofuels, food, feed, and the production of valuable chemicals.


Microalgae are known as microscopic are single celled photosynthetic organisms, which are typically found in water resources such as lakes, rivers and oceans. They provide high nutritional values (protein, carbohydrates & lipid) and oxygen with their fast growth characteristics.


The diversity of microalgae is vast and found almost everywhere on the planet. They play an important role in many aspects of life including being the food sources of essentially aquatic and freshwater food chains, producing half of the atmospheric oxygen that we breathe. It is also highly evaluated when being applied in live feeds, aquafeeds, green water techniques, animal meal supplement and human consumption, etc.


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Vietnam ASEAN Hydrogen Club (VAHC)

Contact Information:

Secretariat of VAHC Club

Phone number: 093 691 7386

Addres: Room 101, Royal Kim Son Building, No. 112 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Page VAHC : click here



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